Monday, March 20, 2006


其實平時有不少想法,可是都沒有衝動放上來, 結果就自然而然的過去了.有些想法有記在筆記裡, 有些在腦子裡的某些記憶抽屜,等待某天的尋找.
最近也很少拍照片,也很少開電腦上網, 結果變成只有2天要上課的時候才開電腦作作業.完全進入老化的現象吧(或是反璞歸真?)
最近有一些人還不錯的女性朋友結婚了,其中最讓我欣賞的那位,最讓我心痛,讓我在騎腳踏車回宿舍的時候, 不禁的落淚.不是哭泣, 只是一些淚.大家的境界又不一樣了.想一想, 我原來也只不過是個孩子,常和父母去喝喜酒,還沒習慣自己去喝喜酒給紅包.
ma-de ,我又落淚了.


  1. Hey Juleen, you are such a sentimental gal! Being a friend of you more than 10 years and just realize that your tough appearance had deceived me. I often thought you are a Happy gal with no worry almost.

    As you said, everyday has different story in life. When time s go off in click till we never believe that we are growing from a little shy gal to a mature woman.

    We should take up the truth and move on. Do not stay in situ without any movement until you realize that times wait for no man.

    Do not be sad! You will meet someone love you in future.

  2. haha, thank you, i need that!!

  3. Anonymous1:31 am

    Dear Juleen,
    Don't be sad....
    I learnt a very valueble lesson during this 9 months. It was painful and in the end I found that I don't know how to "LOVE" myself.
    Love yourself first, and you will find someone that really cares and love you in a split of that second. Have faith!
